US Declaration Of Independence: US DeclarationofIndependence

DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE: National Treasure & Beale Treasure

National Treasure and Beale Treasure
The words Declaration of Independence have two common variant spellings: Déclaration of Independence and Declaration of Independance. In web site documents, these words are sometimes written in the following compacted forms: DeclarationofIndependence, DéclarationofIndependence, or DeclarationofIndependance. The words Declaration of Independence are also abbreviated: DOI or DofI. The word checklist is sometimes written check list.

The National Treasure 

(The following information is taken from Wikipedia.) "The National Treasure is a 2004 adventure film from Walt Disney Pictures. It is an adventure movie set in the United States about a search for a lost treasure, loosely based on the myth of a code on the back of the Declaration of Independence and involving stealing the document, which leads to a trail of clues and a back-story intertwined with the Knights Templar and the Freemasons."

"The [National Treasure] story centers on Benjamin Franklin Gates, an amateur cryptologist with a mechanical engineering degree from MIT and an American history degree from Georgetown who comes from a long line of treasure hunters that believe in the legend of a fantastic treasure trove of artifacts and gold, hidden by the Founding Fathers of the United States, and forgotten to all but a few. The first clue was given to Ben's great-great-great-great grandfather Thomas Gates in 1832 by Charles Carroll, the last living signer of the Declaration of Independence, saying simply, 'The secret lies with Charlotte'."

The Beale Treasure

The Beale treasure is probably the most widely known treasure story with a connection to the Declaration of Independence. The treasure story was published in 1885 in a 23-page pamphlet entitled The Beale Papers. The pamphlet describes three encoded messages (codes, ciphers or cyphers). One of the ciphers specifies the location of a buried treasure of gold and silver estimated to be worth more than $30 million dollars. The other two codes allegedly describe the contents of the treasure, and a list of names of the treasures' owners and their next of kin who were to receive the treasure in case of accident. The code describing the contents of the treasure was decoded using the Declaration of Independence. This was accomplished by consecutively numbering the words in the Declaration of Independence. Each number in the code was then replaced by the first letter of the corresponding numbered word in the Declaration of Independence.

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Decoding the Beale Ciphers
There is a chance that all three of the Beale ciphers were enciphered using keytexts taken from the same key book.  If so, then a pre-1823 book printing the text of the Declaration of Independence might contain the keytexts needed to decipher the remaining two Beale ciphers. The (just published ) book: Declaration of Independence — A Checklist of Books, Pamphlets, and Periodicals, Printing the U.S. Declaration of Independence, 1776-1825, may provide the missing piece to the puzzle.
A free PDF copy of the checklist can be downloaded from the Home Page. You can read more about the checklist, as well. You can also purchase a hardbound copy of the checklist at a most reasonable price. See the Home Page for additional details and offerings. 
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